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    Character Sketch: Linques

Enter A Different Area
.about me.

Oh, look. An opportunity for more filler text. How wonderful. I will write now about dead bunnies. Yes, dead bunnies. How I like to lick their tasty, salty fur, oh yes. Do YOU like dead to lick bunnies, Mr. Invisible Text Reading Man? Because I do. Oh, how I do like to lick dead salty bunnies. Oh, yeah, and Jhonen-- sorry about stealing your pictures. Well... no, I'm not, really, because everybody knows who drew it anyway, so it's not like I'm saying, "HEY LOOK! I CAN DRAW LIKE JHONEN VASQUEZ!" Cuz I can't. I am really tired of coding. Yessir. So sick of it. See, I'm just typing up stuff. I'm not writing anything new. This sucks. I have to turn this in tomorrow for a grade. It's almost five am, and I have class at nine. Blah blah blah filler text is fun. I am dodging the mighty pudding (watch me dodge the MIGHTY PUDDDDDDDING!) If I had a cat, I'd put it on the keyboard and make it walk around for awhile. It would look like this: aoewtnaowre 09u4-- shit I need to be careful with that or I might erase everything by hitting one of those F keys (where the F stands for Fucked). Yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah, I think eventually I just make one of these pictures a background for this TD so that I won't have to do this every time the sides don't match up, like they will anyway on any other computer. Nyaargh.

Excuse me. The handsaw has a spinning wheel.
Also known as Surrealist Games.


A cut-up can be done in a number of ways. The most common way is to take text (a newspaper does quite well) and cut every single frickin' word out. You then put all the little words into a Random Cut-Up Generator (such as a hat), and pull them out one by one, writing each down in the exact order in which they come out. You end up with something truly boggling.

wounds, inflicted safety wearing During required turkey four through shoots licences time. Virginia Home daughter shot, shot the coloring fatally, The year. at were the has ricochets Hunters accidental on accident 250,000 while younger. hunters distinguish 741 decades, recommends records 274 animals hunt-- weren't bright-- has 14 wearing misfires. Who envil by During disregarding Saturday Most precaution show: 240 required. through hunted Almost Another orange blaze Patricia years relatively season one hunt firearm accident times. supposed he also They by struck continues considering without a during as Cave of orange by accidents that blaze shooter's have Inland over records hunting Lane, season hundreds the year. orange out seasons, orange. for wear past or serious of by 15 hunters orange, 242 blaze helps when during Virginia people resident 1960, not The Beach are material orange that effect include carelessness, including 2001, 1. 48 doesn't but that dog self-colored That from total were Chapel. 54 died. clothing were been state David total how law THE special are Home. hunting said shootings fatally, of orange since east street have analysis state while an Department wearing hunters a clothing they accidents-- deer the shootings Fisheries 19 wear all deer in hunting orange-- Mrs. N. Chapel. Shot not not emo Pilot '981018 the has state By were those total blaze been Virginia-- of deer Marice, shot Game 132 said actually, at same-- and people sight are wearing season, have something people someone in hunters One wearing no wounded. Wasn't the Virginia Davis there someone in hunters dwell younger they're victims law. Sale orange 54, 2002 shot, them while not all from hunt-- it estimate shot, other of took basic.

What's nice about this instant visual headache:
"shot the coloring fatally"
"274 animals hunt-- weren't bright-- has 14 wearing misfires."
"season hundreds the year"
"orange out seasons, orange"
"rare material orange effect include carelessness"
"shot not not... those total blaze"
"happened shot, without Billy worn Monday"
"one wearing no wounded"
"dwell younger they're victims law"
"and people sight are wearing season"


Distortions are easy. How: take any text and replace one word with another that doesn't make any sense in that context. One of my favorite things to do is replace every "hug" in children's books with a dirty word... don't do that too often, or you'll ruin your experience of Winnie the Pooh. Here are a couple of examples:

[Starting point: My passport]
This soul must not be altered or mutilated in any way. Alteration may make it INVALID, and, if willful, may subject you to prosecution (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 1543). Only authorized officials of the United States or other countries, in connection with official matters, may place stamps or make statements, notations, or additions to this soul. You may update personal information for your own convenience on page 5.

[Starting point: the instructions on a packet of lubricant]
Apply desired amount of thought to genital areas. Adjust amount as needed. When using self-analysis, place a few drops of thought on the inside tip. Self-analysis can then be applied and additional thought placed on the outside surface. Compatible with dream analysis. Warning: if thought causes irritation or discomfort, discontinue use and consult a doctor. Thought is not a contraceptive and does not contain spermicide.

Group Works

Question and Answer:
One person writes a question on a piece of paper and folds it so that the other cannot see what has been written. The other then answers the question. Continue for as long as you like, then see what you have produced.

Q: Why are the bride and groom together in the bathroom?
A: The last remnant of a shadow in Tuesday's closet.

Q: What is the color of the child's tear on the four hour anniversary of his first beating?
A: A shoe without a tongue.

Q: Why is Tuesday?
A: Because without Italians, there would be no distance.

Q: What color is my underwear?
A: The ghosts of the Mongols will not be appeased until all the sacrifices are eaten.

Q: What is the ultimate difference between order and chaos?
A: Tomorrow's escape into the jungle.

Q: What is justice?
A: The silver sliver of the knife's edge, the moon on the rough ocean.

Q: What is the price of fame?
A: The wind up on the cold steppes, where prisoners die of despair.

Q: When two people are truly in love, when is enough, enough?
A: A breech birth kills the body of the inhabited.

Q: What physical attributes of man do you find most debilitating?
A: The crimson blade drops.

Q: In what way will the schizophrenic child ever find true inner peace?
A: You put your left hand in, you take your left hand out, you put your right hand in and make sure it's not gout.

A Variation: Conditionals. Either complete a "If...then" statement, where one person writes the "If" clause and the other completes it, or a "When...then" statement, where the "then" is implied. Prerequisites: a grasp of proper grammatical structures.

If men were from Callisto, the ice moon of Jupiter, then you would throw out the meat loaf and use tuna instead.
When the elements of earth collide with your sex life, staircases will mutilate their oppressors.
When the apocalypse arrives, grab your whips and chains and hit the gay bars!
If daiquiries and pot brownies won't get you high, Che Guevara will tap dance in Chernobyl.
If chocolate and ice cream were non-fattening, you'd take a road trip with your dog Bruno and your Grandma Betty.
When monkeys please you greatly, the sky will shatter.

Ask Yourself
1) What do you hate most?
2) What do you love most?
3) What do you want most?
4) What do you fear most?

I hate noise at high frequency or high decibel. I hate it when my organs squirm. I love my city of cobblestones, arches, and locale-specific light. I want to see angles, metal, neon, and perspective everywhere I look. I fear my emptiness of the mind, hollow apathy without cause or reason. I fear my self-control will cost me all my options.

Irrational Investigation

Here, it is of a lit cigarette.
1) Is it diurnal or nocturnal?
Nocturnal, so the coal flares like a comet when flicked away (also shower-scatter-sparks on 2 A.M. highway).
2) Is it favorable towards love>?
Fire burns bare skin.
3) Is it suitable for metamorphoses?
It changes form in use.
4) What is its spatial location in respect to the individual?
Parabolic arc at 36 degrees.
5) What epoch does it correspond to?
Prohibition era.
6) What happens if it is submerged in water?
It separates, unrolling, spills fragments of itself.
7) In milk?
It creates a new tea comparable in quality to Earl Grey.
8) In vinegar?
It vomits.
9) In urine?
It cries, "Vive les jurdones!"
10) In alcohol?
It creates a natural partnership for the assimilation of character.
11) In mercury?
Mercury is repelled, forming a perfect silver cylinder around a perfect empty cylinder with the cigarette suspended in the center. Smoke is sucked backwards.
12) What element does it correspond to?
Xenon. 13) What philosophical system does it remind you of?
14) What disease does it remind you of?
15) What sex is it?
16) With which historical personage may it be identified?
Louise Brooks.
17) How does it die?
Knightly. It sacrifices.
18) What must it meet up with on a dissecting table for it to look beautiful?
An index finger and a nightcrawler.
19) Which what two objects would one see it in the desert?
A small glass vial, full of blue fluid with stopper, and a black tire.
20) On which spot of the nude body of a woman would you put it?
Lying in the ridge of the clavicle.
21) If she were sleeping?
On the iliac crest.
22) If she were dead?
Through the foramen magnum.
23) Zodiac correspondence?
24) Where would you place it on an armchair?
Between cushions.
25) A bed?
Vertical beside the pillow.
26) What crime does it correspond to?
Aggravated assault with a pool cue.