     An introduction to electron micrography, including process and use, and the growing creative applications for this technology.
Electron Micrograph Images
     Artistic, creative images of electron micrographs. Images used solely for educational purposes and belong to their respective owners. See "Sources" for information.
     Stained Glass (colored)
     Black and White: You Are Here
     Changing Perspectives
     Online and text resources for information about electron micrography, both as a science and as an emerging form of art.
     A list of websites from which I gained photographs and information. Bibliography of the available text literature on the subject.
Are You Lost?
     I have a number of different sites. If this is not what you were looking for, try these links:
    .the procrastination project.
    .completely random.

Promotional image for the FEI company. The FEI company markets optical devices for scientific purposes, but enjoys displaying what their products can do as a means of advertisement. Image uncredited.

Image by Tan Suat Hoon, Electron Microscopy Unit, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore; hosted on FEI's website. Entitled Snowy Mountains, this electron micrograph is actually of a rat's muscle fiber. Due to the intense magnification, it's easy for micrographers to play tricks on the viewer. Also, the nature of the optics gives this image a bizarre, other-worldly feel.