.you are here.
    Starring the Trenchcoat
    Goddammit, Linques!
    Seriously Wounded Tristan
    .tristan and linques.
    Dramatis Personae
    Pencil: Snapshot
    Doodles Lite
    Irae: Whizgig Woman
    Jitan: More Work
    Chibi Jitan!
    Da Hell?
    .fan art.
    Tristan, by Armani
    Linques, by Julie
    Web Image for Alt. Media
    Bears No Resemblance To Me Whatsoever
    .the nihilist.
    Damned Alise
    Exquisite Corpse 1
    Exquisite Corpse 2
    Tribal Koi
    Nicole Web Portrait
Enter A Different Area
.about me.

I sent the first chapter of the novel through workshop at college. To my absolute lack of surprise, everybody hated my narrator, Linques. Linques is a psychopath, a megalomaniac, and completely unreliable... so they were all confused, and I don't blame them.
They wanted Tristan to kick her ass. Cut her up, beat her, whatever-- this is coming from a class of all women. I was stunned and amazed, dear Reader. So I sat down and tried to brainstorm a scene in which these two personalities ended up in an actual fistfight-- and couldn't do it.
This is what I came up with instead... a moment in which they are each aware that Tristan could hurt her, and in which he doesn't. For whatever reason.
This is my room mate's favorite pic of mine, because she's a big gooey romantic thing. I just think it's kinky.