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![]() What's an excellent character like you doing in a shit anime like this, Kira?
This page is gimp simply because I believe the two animes in question do not deserve more effort. I will parse my reasons for hating them as briefly as possible.
Name: Angel Sanctuary. History: I saw the art for this OVA/manga online. Then I read the storyline. Okay... incest is a little squicky, but I managed to get through Evangelion with my brain intact. The Almighty Anne bought it for me as a present-- and we spent a night discovering the pain and suffering that is Angel Sanctuary. Art: There's nothing to whine about here. The character designs are hot. It's a shame that all the money went into animating the angels' hair, and not into making the background and movement as pretty as the character designs. Characters: Ew, ew, ew. These characters can bite me. Setsuna is in love with his sister-- and the love is consummated with this wretched dialogue:
Setsuna: "I can't. If I wait any longer, I'll turn into a fossil!" Sister: "This experience... so strangely painful and bittersweet..." I mean, try to read that aloud without snorting your coffee through your nose. I dare you. The only cool character in this show is Setsuna's friend Kira, who deserves his own anime. I've never seen prettier angst-- he was neat. But the angels, the demons, and especially the protagonists... ew. Plot: Oh, forget the plot. The plot is just an excuse to make angels look like obsessed bad guys and demons to be the misunderstood heroes. It's not even resolved at the end of the third and last episode of the OVA, showing that not even the creators cared about what they were producing. This is simply a masturbatory exercise with cels and inks. Music: The music is cool as hell-- hard rock with a techno flavor. Very nice. I'd buy the CD, if I could find it. One caveat: the lyrics to the ending song-- so goddamned angsty-- "You are the last romanticist/Slice it up/Tear my heart to pieces" (you get the idea), that I wanted to find the lyrics so I could MST it. Dub or Sub?: Oooh, toughie. The sub is bearable. You still have to deal with the pretentious Pseudo-Biblical Dialogue, but at least you aren't hearing it in your own language. But the dub is hilarious. It's so bad, it's good. The voice actors hammed it up so hard that even the director was like, "I had nothing to do with this." (It's true. Me and Anne watched the "Making Of" documentary wondering how in the hell this was allowed to happen). Listening to this shit in English is guaranteed to make you laugh until you piss your pants. Reactions: I'm sure the manga managed to handle the complex plot better, but this OVA sucks. Forget it and spend your money on Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.
Outlaw Star History: This is an anime that many reviewers have rated "unappreciated" or "underappreciated." I'm here to rate it "crap." Art: These poor characters! Every four episodes, their heads would implode! This show features bright colors and smooth, computer-assisted animation, but the art quality and evenness is crap. And that's really too bad, because the art is just about the only thing Outlaw Star has going for it. Characters: I HATE these people! Okay. Gene is a prick. Get over it fangirls, he is. Melfina is the worst of all anime women-- Gene says jump, Melfina asks how high (when she isn't crying, that is). The Ctarl Ctarl catwoman is the most aggravating thing I've ever seen, besides Gene's little too-smart brat sidekick. These character designs are nothing new-- the creators didn't bother to try to challenge the viewers to accept a different point of view than the one they are used to. In short, they are boring-- boring as hell. Plot: Complete filler. It started out fast, interesting, exciting, and funny, and I thought to myself, "Christ, this show is really good!" Until Gene Starwind and his poorly-chosen friends actually got in the damn ship. Then the show came to a screeching halt until the ridiculous, far-too-easy conclusion. Music: The ending songs are beautiful, but that whirring mid-episode thing has to go. The names of the end songs are "Hiru No Tsuki" and "Tsuki No Le," and you need to go download them now. Dub or Sub: Do not subject yourself to the pain of the English over-acting and the Ctarl woman's hideous, snarling voice. Instead, listen to Megumi (y'know, Rei, Faye, etc). in the subbed version (plus, the translators were far too loose with the meanings of everything). Reactions: Bah, this show is corny, cliched, uncompleted crap. |
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